Defending God

Defending God – May 23, 2017 –  How do we think of God? As a protector, as a savior, or as someone who needs our protection? When we encounter someone speaking bad of God, of Jesus, we want to lash out, but the Lord will have His vengeance, it is not our responsibility. Two negatives added together do not make a positive. Its hard, and it takes mental thought, but we should respond as Jesus wants us to, with blessings and positivity. Then at least their negative will be diffused back to neutral. We would do better to respond with Read More

Sunsine, Rain, and Snow

Sunshine, Rain, and Snow – May 18, 2017 –  As I’m reading and watching the changing weather outside turn from rain to snow and back again, I’m in awe of God and power. He makes the sun shine, the rain, the lightning, the snow, and the darkness all for His good reason and for our good reason. We as parents remember the past, even yesterday, and are charged by God to teach and prepare our kids. If we don’t learn about God through reading and spending time with Him, how can we know when He’s standing next to us or Read More

Five Minutes with God

Five Minutes with God – May 17, 2017 –  These two little stories go well together and are precisely why I send these devotionals out almost everyday. The world is filled with lions. Trying to devour your time, energy, and take you away from spending time with God. It is my goal, to give you five minutes to spend with God. To share a story about Him, and how he does things. As well as make you think of how he’s helping you in your daily life fight all these lions. “You are the apple of His eye,” He wants Read More

Seeds and Flowers

Seeds and Flowers – May 16, 2017 –  Seeds and flowers; great topics this time of year. What kind of seeds are you planting outside your garden? What kind of harvest are you expecting from those seeds? We live in a judgmental world where someone is always watching. We live in an impressionable world when there are kids around. “It’s up to us to sow the seeds, God will produce the harvest.” Our emotions, our actions, and our opinions are our seeds. God is a gentle, loving rain to those seeds planted in good soil.         (Photos Read More

Gifts and Callings

Gifts and Callings – May 12, 2017 –  Yesterday I asked if we need God’s light shining on us all the time. We have the presence of God all around us all the time when we consider that He has made everything under the sun and above the sun. But do we need God watching and hovering over us like a helicopter parent? Or do we need the knowledge that He is there if and when we need Him? The disciples didn’t understand why Jesus had to die. If He hadn’t, then they (and we) would never walk in the Read More

Arise. Take Responsibility. Be of Good Courage!

Arise.  Take Responsibility.  Be of Good Courage! – May 11, 2017 –  Do we need God’s light shining in us all the time, or do we need His light occasionally to reassure us we are on the right path? Faith becomes the real question. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, (and) the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).” As I read last night in Ezra, God was speaking to me very clearly. He started by saying “Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, be courageous and act (Ezra 10:4).” As I followed the trail of scriptures it Read More


Eternity – May 10, 2017 –  Too good not to share is sooo true about Jesus, because He was risen to live for eternity, and we have the ability to live with Him. God numbers our days here on earth, but eternity is forever. In Mark 10:29&30 Jesus said, ” Truly I tell you, anyone who leaves, family and friends and work, for My sake and for the gospel’s sake, will receive a 100 times as much now in the present age, along with persecutions, and receive eternal life.” Following Jesus isn’t always an easy life, the persecutions are necessary Read More

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