Sunsine, Rain, and Snow

Sunshine, Rain, and Snow

– May 18, 2017 – 

As I’m reading and watching the changing weather outside turn from rain to snow and back again, I’m in awe of God and power. He makes the sun shine, the rain, the lightning, the snow, and the darkness all for His good reason and for our good reason.

We as parents remember the past, even yesterday, and are charged by God to teach and prepare our kids. If we don’t learn about God through reading and spending time with Him, how can we know when He’s standing next to us or protecting us today? How can we possibly prepare our kids for what’s coming, if we don’t teach them the signs of the past?

“Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act (Ezra 10:4).” I believe, if we as parents take responsibility for teaching our kids about God and His past, then He and the Holy Spirit will be with us to help prepare them for the obstacles of their future.

Ponderings and blessings to you.




(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)


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