Arise. Take Responsibility. Be of Good Courage!

Arise.  Take Responsibility.  Be of Good Courage!

– May 11, 2017 – 

Do we need God’s light shining in us all the time, or do we need His light occasionally to reassure us we are on the right path?

Faith becomes the real question. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, (and) the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).”

As I read last night in Ezra, God was speaking to me very clearly. He started by saying “Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, be courageous and act (Ezra 10:4).” As I followed the trail of scriptures it led me to the story of Joshua when he was told to take the Hebrews into the promised land. My story ended with the confirmation by this reading this morning that God is with me, just like He was with Joshua.

Do we need the light shining on our path always, or do we just need to see it occasionally and know that it’s at the end of the tunnel?

When you see the light, does it make you go faster and work harder?

Arise, take responsibility for being on the path you are on, be courageous and take action to glorify God and get the goals of life.

God is with you, seek Him, and you will find Him.

Be courageous today.




(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)

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