Prayer and Relationship

Prayer and Relationship – June 26, 2016 –  Hello friends. Where does prayer come from? In my opinion, prayer comes from one of two places, either our heart or our mind. Would you agree? Both have a level of belief. I also believe that prayers can come from both our heart and our mind. Generally speaking, prayers tend to go to God as a question starting with “could you”or “would you;” with an underlying question of “why this” or “why that.” Friends, we live in an instant gratification world where we think we have to know and understand it all. Read More

Expectations and Brokenness

Expectations and Brokenness – May 27, 2017 –  Judgement, expectation, and pity are all attitudes of inequality; as well as comparison, brokenness, and condemnation. Too often though, the first group of attitudes are outward and the second group are inward attitudes. Outward attitude generally comes with some level of anger or resentment, while the inward attitudes often stem from worthiness. Outwardly, we can “bite our tongue,” but inwardly, that voice is like a foghorn that pierces every thought. We are told we should “take every thought captive,(2Cor 10:5)” and to think on “the fruit of the Spirit…self-control (Gal 5:22-23).” It Read More

Why go to Church?

Why go to Church? April 13, 2017 How do we attend church? Why do we attend church? Do we attend church in our perfect image, or God’s perfect image? When I started going to church after my divorce, It was to find a better path and direction for my life. I had just lost almost everything in the world that was near and dear. I know and see people who show up in their Sunday best, or their everyday clothes just to be seen. To be seen as having it all comfortably or perfectly together. People inherently want to be Read More

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