Prayer and Relationship

Prayer and Relationship

– June 26, 2016 – 

Hello friends. Where does prayer come from? In my opinion, prayer comes from one of two places, either our heart or our mind. Would you agree? Both have a level of belief. I also believe that prayers can come from both our heart and our mind. Generally speaking, prayers tend to go to God as a question starting with “could you”or “would you;” with an underlying question of “why this” or “why that.” Friends, we live in an instant gratification world where we think we have to know and understand it all. Adam and Eve made that thinking possible for us.

Prayers based from our heart have a greater belief that God will hear them and answer them the way that we have stated them or asked them. Truth is, God knows where we are in our state of belief, He “knows our heart.” he knows our intentions and our desires.

Prayers from our mind alone generally have a reactionary feel to them. They come after this or that has happened. Do those get heard by God? Sure the do. Do they get answered by God? Sometimes.

When does God respond most often to our prayers? When we let Him and wholeheartedly trust Him. When we have exhausted all of the needs to understand “why this” and “why that” and “what can I do.” When we acknowledge what part or what role we played in the situation, then God can use the Holy Spirit to move more freely in the situation. God moves in, when we move out of the way.

We know that Job had the most trouble of any man in the bible. What’s most important to know about Job and the discussion with his friends is this, situations happen and God can use them to refine and purify us when we let Him. With that in mind, it is more important for us to seek and know God, than it is for us to know all the answers. God wants to have a relationship with Him, just like any parent wants to have with their children.



(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)




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