Why Should we Forgive?

Why Should we Forgive?

April 12, 2017

Why should we forgive?
There are many good reasons, but here are a few. Deep down we all want to be loved. Even Scrooge wanted to be loved.
Unforgiveness is a hard shield we put around our heart to keep from being hurt again. It affects everyone and everything in our lives. A hard shield that stops any new good from entering our heart as well.
Unforgiveness is also an anchor to our past. Anchors are meant to stop or slow down forward progress. This anchor truly only stops us from forward progress, it does nothing to or for the person who we have unforgiveness towards.
Releasing the stress of unforgiveness will be like opening a main sail after a storm and allowing God to fill our heart with a warm, soft trade wind. God doesn’t remember our transgressions when we forgive others of their transgressions.
In fact, He says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12).”
Blessings to you today.




(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)

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