Day 34 of God’s Love for Us December 13, 2017 “Teach me, and I will be silent; and show me how I have erred” (Job 6:24). This should be our daily prayer! Even after Satan took everything away from Job, he said, “But it is still my consolation, and I rejoice in unsparing pain, that I have not denied the words of the Holy One” (Job 6:10). His friend Bildad that came to console him, had this this to say, “Behold, God will not reject a man of integrity (or cast away the blameless); Nor will He uphold the evildoers” Read More
Tag: gratitude
What God do we Serve
What God do we Serve? September 13, 2017 I was listening to a conference call this past weekend and the person speaking asked this question, ”What God do you serve? Do you serve the God of abundance and purpose, or do you serve the god of fear, doubt, pain and distraction?” His question has intrigued me for days. His point was simple and effective. Any dirivative of fear or lack is not from God! God gave us all individual gifts and talents, it is our mission to find them and use them for His glory. God also gave us the Read More
Run, Run, Run Always Run
Run, Run, Run Always Run July 7, 2017 What happens when we are always running? Why do we do this to ourselves? What are we hoping to gain? A fast paced life of overachieving or a fast paced life of underachieving is gained by all who seek this lifestyle. But really, when overachieving we tend to miss simplicity and value, while underachieving we miss greatness and fulfillment. We tend to either seek instant gratification, or chase our tails looking for lasting gratification. The truth is, gratification comes with reflection. Reflection comes with observation. Observation comes with rest. Matthew said, ”…seek Read More
There’s Comfort in Silence
There is Comfort in Silence – June 15, 2017 – How can we hear through all this noise? There’s so much chattering noise in the world today that people can’t just rest and hear what’s going on around them. The noise seems to be louder in the urban areas rather than the rural areas as we would think. Although that is very true in the sense of noise in general, the real noise is within our homes, within our head. I’ve witnessed the real problem to be the noise within our own house. The TV shows and movies we watch Read More
Gratitude – April 25, 2017 – Gratitude….Gratitude is the best soil in the universe! That’s my thought. God gave us our five senses as gifts to glorify Him with, and be grateful to Him. If you woke up this morning and were told all your senses would be gone tomorrow, how would you live today? Enjoy the view and give thanks for it. Enjoy the aroma and give thanks for it. Tomorrow isn’t promised, my friend. If you woke up tomorrow with only the things you were grateful for today, how would tomorrow be different? Remember to give thanks for Read More
I Don’t Know
I Don’t Know March 31, 2017 We are taught to guess if we don’t know the answer to a question, instead of being honest and saying, “I don’t know.” How could we really impact others and ourselves if we stepped up and said, “I don’t know… but I want to, so please teach me.” How different would our kids be if we taught them to think like this, rather than guessing, or worse, being okay with not knowing right or wrong? That would be courageous! What would you say if God told you, “No, I didn’t choose you.”? Would you Read More