Day 28 of God’s Love

Day 28 of God’s Love for Us

November 22, 2017

Why do we have struggles in our lives? The easy answer is that we are rebellious in our hearts. We are either rebellious against God or rebellious against the devil. Struggles are meant as discipline and meant to teach us to seek good, seek God and his ways. Who, as a kid, was ever disciplined for doing morally right? If so, then it was done by someone who was immoral.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.”(Hebrews 12:11) “Our fathers (parents) disciplined us as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.” (v10)

Instead of splashing around in our own little pity pool, we should be grateful for the discipline and struggle we are facing. That is hard to do, I agree, but the more grateful we are, the better testimony we will have, and the shorter the negative experience will be.

Remember this, “Endure the hardship as discipline; for God is treating you as His child.”(v7) Be thankful for what you have, seek His glory and help through it, or it can become worse.

Happy Thanksgiving my friend.


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