Tempting Shortcuts
– June 28, 2017 –
Temptation is as common as dust. Temptation comes when we choose lives that don’t follow God’s plan. When we choose the to make the things of the world more important than God. We all need to work and have families and have lives, but do we include God in those choices? To live a Godly life is to include Him in our relationships and our decisions. “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man.”(1 Cor 10:13) God desires to have a relationship with us, that is His plan. When Jesus told us, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”(Matt 11:30) He was referring to having a relationship with Him would bring us peace and spiritual strength in this world of temptation and distraction that we live in.
We all want the easy way, the easy path to a good life and to riches, but few are willing to “do the work” it takes to actually get on that path. We get caught up in other people’s opinions of peace and prosperity. In “Taking Shortcuts” by Tim Gustafson, he emphasized the scripture that Jesus said, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”(Luke 9:62) Jesus was saying “be all in!” What are you “all in” in your life? How are you using your gifts and knowledge that has been given to you to bless someone else and show them Jesus?
We can’t plant crops or flowers without getting dirty. The easy path is not a fruitful and meaningful path. The easy path is a trap filled wasteland. Having a relationship with God allows His Holy Spirit to be your guide. Clean your house of all distractions and clutter, then see if you don’t get a new perspective about the room. Let the Holy Spirit clean your thoughts, your temptations, and direct you, then see if you don’t have a new perspective about life.
(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)