Day 29 of God’s Love for Us November 27, 2017 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world”(John 16:33 NASB). Jesus told this to His disciples before He was betrayed to give them hope through the tribulation that was coming. After that, Jesus prayed, “But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves”(John 17:13). Jesus had told them previously that He was “the Read More
Tag: truth
What God do we Serve
What God do we Serve? September 13, 2017 I was listening to a conference call this past weekend and the person speaking asked this question, ”What God do you serve? Do you serve the God of abundance and purpose, or do you serve the god of fear, doubt, pain and distraction?” His question has intrigued me for days. His point was simple and effective. Any dirivative of fear or lack is not from God! God gave us all individual gifts and talents, it is our mission to find them and use them for His glory. God also gave us the Read More
Invisibility Cloak
Invisibility Cloak Feb 17, 2017 What would you do if you could be invisible at will? Would you do bad things? Steal, hurt someone, destroy things, or just hide? Or would you give to others and be a light to someone else? Would you think more of you, or more of others? In John 10:10 “The thief(devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I (Jesus) came that they (you and me) may have life, and have it abundantly.” So, if you were invisible, whom would you act more like? This world has given us problems, hardships, and pain; Read More
Limiting God
Limiting God Feb 16, 2017 From reading about Caleb, Joshua, & Paul, they wholeheartedly believed in God, His power, His word as truth, and His desire of a relationship with them. Through our belief in Jesus, we can have that same relationship with God. Are there ways in life that you limit what God could have done or can do in your life? If so, seek a better relationship with Jesus to find what joy, happiness, and possibilities can be for you. (Photos from Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)