Day 15 of God’s Love

Day 15 of God’s Love for Us

September 3, 2017

“Great are the works of the Lord; They are studied by all who delight in them. Splendid and majestic is His work,…He has made His wonders to be remembered;”(Psalm 111:2-4) Aren’t we His works? Yes we are…Yes you are!!! Hallelujah for that thought. There is strength, power, honor, and dignity in that thought when you let it sink into your heart.

Death’s Honor

Death’s Honor – May 26, 2017 –  Death is always an emotional event. My question is how do we honor the ones that we feel we have lost? This is a prideful statement. I say prideful because we haven’t lost them, they are not misplaced like a set of keys. We hold them in our hearts and in our memories. We honor them by remembering them as we go about our days. This is a grieving process, and time will heal the wound into a scar. We dishonor them when we stop living our lives to the best of our Read More

Strife and Troubles

Strife and Troubles – May 2, 2017 –  It doesn’t do us any good to get mad at someone else for doing their job. After all, it is our doing that we’re in need of their authority. If you say, “Ya but…” think about Proverbs 20:3, “Keeping away from strife is an honor for you, but any fool will quarrel; or think about Proverbs 21:21&23 “He or she who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor. He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from troubles.” Strife and troubles are weeds in the fertile soil Read More

Are We All Sinners From Birth?

Are We All Sinners From Birth – Feb, 7, 2017 –  Are we all sinners from birth? Are we taught to lie, or do we inherently know how to? Was it sinful of Adam & Eve to eat the fruit, or was the fruit itself sin? Are we bigger, faster, stronger than others, or are we just competitive? I think the answers here are all yes! Why? Because God gave us free will to choose to seek Him, rather than He rule over us. God wants us to choose Him as our spiritual father and ruler. Yes we are tempted Read More

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