Depth of Dysfunction and Grace
– May 25, 2017 –
My reading this morning has so much depth when I started reading the scriptures. I recommend everyone read and study Romans chapter 1.
Paul clearly portrays the sinful spiral of life that we live in. Our lives resemble living in a hurricane.
By choosing to follow and serve Jesus, God gives us a lifeline escape path from the very eye to the calmer outer edge waters, and then ultimately, the calm cove waters of eternal life. Everyday we have the choice to let go of the lifeline and get sucked into this dysfunctional world, or tie a knot in the rope and pull closer to God.
Jesus is our guide through the rapids of life that Satan puts in our way.
In the words of King David to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work…For the Lord God, my God, is with you” (1 Chr 28:20).
Blessings of perseverance to you today.
(Photos of Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)
That was interesting. I on the other hand have chosen to stay in the eye of the storm where it is the calmest, whilst I let God deal with the storm itself, around me.
It s worked out well.
However, the above description makes perfect sense too.