What God do we Serve?
September 13, 2017
I was listening to a conference call this past weekend and the person speaking asked this question, What God do you serve? Do you serve the God of abundance and purpose, or do you serve the god of fear, doubt, pain and distraction?”
His question has intrigued me for days. His point was simple and effective. Any dirivative of fear or lack is not from God! God gave us all individual gifts and talents, it is our mission to find them and use them for His glory. God also gave us the ability to ask Him for help and have a relationship with Him, through His son Jesus. The man on the call said, “Faith is understanding that all things are possible.” Didn’t Paul write, “I can do all things through Him(Jesus) who strengthens me”(Philippians 4:13)?
Of course he did! He believed that, why don’t we? Because we as humans like to think God is distant and smaller than our problems. The truth is, just as the titles of my, Our Daily Bread, reading for this says “All Generations” have “Privilaged Access.” The coolest concept of the Bible is that Jesus is just as relevant to us today, and our 5th generation to come, as He was 2000 years ago, and 4000 years ago.
The man on the call also said, “Our outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts.” This means, what we see and feel are directly proportional to the thoughts we have. If we think of scarcity and fear, we will hesitate, be skeptical, worry, and live a mediocre life. But, if we are grateful, choose to see and believe God’s infinite abundance, even in our roughest times, we can be free and live a victorious life using our gifts to bless others.
Steve Jobs asked himself this question, “if today were my last day, would I be happy (and bring glory to God) with what I have planned?” I added a little bit. “So reflect on this and ask, what God did I serve yesterday, and what God do I plan to serve today?