Day 25 of God’s Love for Us
November 14, 2017
Today’s verse of love for us comes from Habakkuk. ” I heard and my inward parts trembled, at the sound my lips quivered. Decay enters my bones, and in my place I tremble. Because I must wait quietly for the day of distress, for the people to arise who will invade us.” (Habakkuk 3:16) He knew trouble was coming because his country had no protection from their enemies that surrounded them. Today, we live in a chaotic world with enemies all around as well. They are tearing away at the very fabric and unity that has made our country strong.
Dispite the impending invasion, Habakkuk decides to write this praise to be sung in the temple, “The Lord is my strength, And He has made my feet like the hinds’ feet, And makes me walk on my high places.” (Habakkuk 3:19) He knew that even though there was trouble coming, the Lord made him able to adapt and walk on his “high places” of struggles with strength and agility.
Here are some of the enemies we face today as a result of pushing God out of our lives since the end of WWII:
Pride, which brings a better than you attitude;
Entitlement, which brings a you owe me attitude;
Averaging, which makes everyone the same and takes away creativity;
Political Agendas, which make way for greed;
Social Agendas, which brings an “I’m special” attitude and tears apart unity;
Depression, which brings a can’t do attitude;
Fear, which brings an an “I won’t do” attitude;
Divorce, which brings a lack of integrity and willingness to quit rather than work or fight for something.
Again, these are just a few of the enemies that we are surrounded by everyday.