
Inconsistency March 8, 2017 I’ve been very inconsistent this year, not giving my best efforts. Jesus gave us His best without any fear, why can’t we do the same? What are we afraid of? Fears can be worries, stresses, frustrations, and struggles. 1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” By holding on to our fears and claiming them is selfish. It shows that we don’t trust God fully with our life. Letting God have our anxieties calls for us to take action, not be passive. We don’t have to submit to the Read More

Stop the Fighting and Strife

Stop the Fighting and Strife March 3, 2017 Do you ever wonder what the world looks like from outside the USA? Possibly you know, because you have traveled. We hear and see pics about it on the TV and FB. We see pics of fighting, poverty, and peace; typically not together though. Do you wish the fighting and strife would stop? Let your voice be heard. Seriously, cry out, call, pray to God. He promises He will hear you. If it’s weird to talk to yourself, so what; God doesn’t think you’re weird. Pride makes us think we’re weird. When Read More

Assumptions and Dishonesty

Assumptions and Dishonesty Feb 24, 2017 These two stories are fun reads. They are about encounters that we all have faced, assumptions and dishonesty. Assuming is having a closed mind – thinking you have all the facts and all the answers. But is it possible to have them all? All the time? Assumptions involve ego and feeling superiority. Ego also leads to dishonesty. More often than not, the more superior a person feels over another, the more closed-minded and believing of lies someone is. Becoming more serving and having a servant’s heart is to have less ego, be more open-minded, Read More

How we Live Sets Us Apart

How We Live Sets Us Apart Feb 23, 2017 This story of kids’ choirs is a funny story, but it is exceptionally true of our adult lives as well. Just like the kids, we wander with our eyes, and thoughts, and our actions. All while someone else is watching us, and judging us. Then we watch others & judge them; knowing they’re not doing what they should be doing, or could be doing, or living up to their potential. The world watches Christians closely to point out our flaws, because they think we need to be perfect and submissive, forgetting Read More

Help Yourself

Help Yourself Feb 21, 2017 How can you really help yourself? Can you help yourself by doing more? But doing more of what? I can help my back pain by stretching, moving, and resting; I can help my head cold by taking my meds, getting outside in fresh air, and resting. Yes, doing activity helps, but resting helps equally. To help ourselves best find happiness, we need to “rest” in the Lord and ask Him for help and guidance. God wants a relationship with us. In return, He will give us direction, abundance, love, and most of all happiness.   Read More

Invisibility Cloak

Invisibility Cloak Feb 17, 2017 What would you do if you could be invisible at will? Would you do bad things? Steal, hurt someone, destroy things, or just hide? Or would you give to others and be a light to someone else? Would you think more of you, or more of others? In John 10:10 “The thief(devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I (Jesus) came that they (you and me) may have life, and have it abundantly.” So, if you were invisible, whom would you act more like? This world has given us problems, hardships, and pain; Read More

Limiting God

Limiting God Feb 16, 2017 From reading about Caleb, Joshua, & Paul, they wholeheartedly believed in God, His power, His word as truth, and His desire of a relationship with them. Through our belief in Jesus, we can have that same relationship with God. Are there ways in life that you limit what God could have done or can do in your life? If so, seek a better relationship with Jesus to find what joy, happiness, and possibilities can be for you.           (Photos from Our Daily Bread daily devotionals)

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